Many people who are in the business of web hosting will try to go up against their competitors. But the question is, how far will they go to do it? For some companies, they avoid doing anything unnecessary and promote a friendly competition. But some of them try so hard to do it that not only does it affect the sales of their competitors, but also affect the opinion of the consumers. Now the question is how do web hosting companies trick you? When people encounter the question "how do these hosting companies trick you?" they think that the hosting companies do something like showing "too good to be true" advertisements, or simply seduce consumers with discounts, and freebies. But that is not the case here. So exactly how do hosting companies trick you? When unethical hosting company employees do their thing, they try to change the opinion of the consumers regarding the competitors. But how do they do it? How do web hosting companies trick you? A good hosting company knows the right SEO tactics to the point that the name of their company ranks at the top of the search engines. But as for unethical companies, they might have used the right SEO tactics but those were not enough to beat the good web hosting company. So the next thing they do to is to use the good company name to ruin its reputation. How is this done? The employees of the unethical company would post questions regarding the good web hosting company. They act like they are employees of the good web hosting company and then ask questions all over the web. Questions like "My Server crashed. What is wrong with it?" "My clients complain that I have a slow server. Can anyone help?" are asked by these employees. The search bots will then identify the name of the hosting company on the websites with such questions and include these websites as a part of the search results of the web hosting company. Is this the answer to the question, "how do hosting companies trick you?" I am afraid not. It is a well-known fact today that consumers are smart enough to research on a company profile on the web before availing of their products and services. In this case, a consumer would want to know the reputation of the hosting company before getting their website hosted by the company. People who would look for company profiles on the web would search the company name on the search engine. And soon, they will be reading the questions that the employees of the unethical company posted on the web. If you were a consumer and you read such questions regarding the company, what would you feel? Of course you will doubt the reputation of the good company. This leads to the loss of sales for the good company. On the other hand, the unethical company does not have any negative feedback on the web, so the only things that the consumers will read about the company are the good things. This will end to the increase of sales for their company. And to make matters worse, even if the good company could request the deletion of the questions from the websites, the search engine would still display it on the results, so the reputation of the good company is stained forever. This is the answer to the question "how do web hosting companies trick you?" And now that you are aware of it, make sure to enlighten other people. If people asks you the question "how do web hosting companies trick you?" make sure you tell them this story.
With all the web hosting companies popping out, almost every one of them claims to be the best or the number one. But the question is, how do you know if you are indeed looking at the number one hosting company Here are a few criteria that you can look into and spot top hosting companies in the web world. Web Features, The features are pretty much standard these days. However, the best companies offer at least the following features in most plans: Diskspace, Control Panel, Bandwidth, Scripting language, Email Account Database. Though these are the standard inclusions of a web hosting package, companies offering more than what is required denotes that they think well of their customers needs that made them decide to add more useful features for their customers businesses. Efficient and Reliable Customer Support Even if you are an amateur or an expert in the field of hosting, you will definitely need an efficient and reliable customer service that you can easily contact should the need arises. Companies usually have the following technical support criteria: Vast knowledge database This is very useful for customers who would like a quick answer without having to go through customer support staff. There are even some companies that offer a step by step video tutorial for people who are just setting up their account. Reliable and responsive technical staffs Companies usually provide email support, phone support and chat support which is available twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The staff should not only be knowledgeable and expert to respond to customer queries but should be courteous as well. They should also be able to address client problems in a short period of time. Disk Space and Bandwidth Rates Best web hosting companies offer really good services but it comes with a price for the plan that you intend to get. Generally, if you require bigger disk space and bandwidth, you will also have to spend more on your monthly bill. However, do a little research and compare prices and services with other web hosting companies first before you make any decision. Integrity and Popularity of The Company Hosting companies are quite known for their reputation. This means they cater to a huge number of clients and are still growing. Therefore, a web hosting company who have a few customers may also offer poor services. Furthermore, companies need a lot of client to survive the on-going competition, which means, having less clients may suggest that the company is not stable enough and may pose a risk of closing down. It is also important to check if the web host has won several awards. This way you'll know that the company has been acknowledged for something really outstanding. Checking out web hosting review sites is also useful, so that you'll have an idea what other clients think of the services of these web hosting companies. Reliability, Speed, and Functionality If your chosen web host cannot give you at least 99% web functionality, then look for another one. Web hosters who cannot give you this guarantee may cause you your credibility and lose customers. Make sure to check the speed of your site. This plays a huge role and a good web host should be able to provide you a fast speed for your site. Top web hosting companies usually use optical carrier lines that transmit a minimum of 51.85 mbps of data. Do not get the services of a web hosting company that uses T1 or T3 connections, as these types of connections transfer data for a maximum of 43 mbps only. Article Source:
Finding the best web hosting companies may not be as easy nor as complicated as you have expected. However, if your goal is have the best, this process could be very tedious. Practicality and understanding what you really need is your guide to start. Various web hosting companies suggests better hosting services and plans compared to others. In relation to that, we have enlisted some considerations that you must look into when looking forward in finding the best web hosting companies. 1. Put into consideration the type of website are you planning to have and what are your needs? Before jumping into finding the best web hosting companies, you need to make a plan first. Decide the things that you are going to need. If you're planning to have only one site that do don't need a lot of space, then you should settle for a low-priced hosting plan. On the other hand, if your website has a lot of contents, takes a lot of space and currently gets huge traffic, then you should go for a pricier web hosting plans which provides ample or even limitless amount of bandwidth and disk space. 2. The best web hosting companies have good and efficient customer support that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Later on your website development, there are tendencies of encountering problems. Regardless of how good the web hosting company might be, certain possibilities that some problems may occur. Therefore, a web hosting company that can aid its customers anytime is the best. 3. The best web hosting companies provides reliable and high speed hosting services. There are lots of companies out there that offer 99.9% up-time. When they guarantee you with this service, then that company is certain that you're website is up, running, and available to the public all the time. With reliable and fast hosting services, your customer will be able to access your site faster. This is actually on of the main factors to encourage more traffic within your website. 4. Bandwidth and Huge Disk Space Service are also the factors when selecting the best web hosting companies. As your website grows, you will need more bandwidth. So make sure that your hosting company offers expandable bandwidth and disk space at affordable hosting plans. If you think your website is growing rapidly, then you should consider getting a more expensive hosting plan that has higher or unlimited disk space and bandwidth. 5. Price is one of the major factors when selecting a hosting company. In order to have the best service and affordable price, compare the web hosting companies. Check out their plans - the service covered and the price. Enlist only the most popular and top rated companies to reduce the choices. Compare them and select the best one that suites your needs. You have now the must have things to consider when selecting the best web hosting company. Now you are just a step away. Identify your needs and choose wisely! Article Source:
The Internet has today turned from just a information and entertainment tool to a necessary concept in the business plan of any growing company. A website is very important for any person and company who wish to have a global presence and make it felt. In fact, with the advent of globalization, any company, businessman or entrepreneur who does not have his own website will be considered behind the times. Mostly, how your website will turn out will depend on the web designer, web programmer and you. However, the first step towards a good website is a good web hosting company. Here are some tips on how to choose your web hosting company. There are many web hosting companies who offer various kinds of web hosting services. One should realize, that any Internet service is quite different from the traditional products or services that one buys in real time. There is nothing like quality or looks while choosing a internet service. Simply put, a web hosting company that charges $40 and a web hosting company that charges $200 will give you the same service - web hosting. So what is that makes them stand apart? What is the distinguishing factor between cheap and expensive web hosting? One thing that is not suggested for any company is free web hosting. Going by the idea that nothing in life is free, free web hosting does not give you a domain name. All you get is a sub-domain on their website. So, if the name of your company is Acme Marketing, the name of the website would be This is considered to be completely unprofessional and would falter on the one main aspect of a website: corporate presence. Well, the first thing that one should decide before choosing a web hosting company is the features that one would require. There are web hosting companies that take care of the entire process of a website, right from uploading the website to maintaining it, and maintaining also means securing the website against hack attacks. Then there are companies that only provide you hosting, and you have to look into the uploading, maintained and security of the website. These web hosts charge a lot less than the others. Another aspect that you should consider while choosing a web hosting company is the technology they provide and offer. Internet technology is changing drastically everyday and it is very necessary for your web hosting company to be in with the times. For example, your web hosting company should be able to support your web pages in any of the technologies that they are made in today, from .ASP.NET to to .PHP. As far as the role of the web hosting company in web designing is concerned, make sure that your web hosting company supports CSS. Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is what has taken web designing by storm, and this is the coding language that most web pages and websites are made in today. Service is also very important for a web hosting company. Look into what is their turn-back time on any technical problems that they have faced. Do a proper research of web hosting companies before deciding on one. Make sure to visit each of their websites and take in all the necessary details. Article Source:
If you thought all those billions of web pages are hosted on expensive and full service web hosting companies, you need to cross check your information sources again. Of course, there are free or cheap web hosting companies that provide basic features good enough for simple html pages. You can take the example of some blog sites for these. But cheap (as cheap as $1.99 a month) web hosting service is different as they claim to provide more than the basic features which require huge infrastructures and funds to maintain and remain in the business. How do cheap web hosting companies attract business and what are their tricks? Trick Number 1: The 24/7 toll-free number that a cheap web hosting company will advertise on their website. Most of these rarely work and those that do work seem to work only Monday to Friday. They are there mainly to create a false impression. What will you do on the weekend or after hours? You need a web hosting company that provides real support. Trick Number 2: E-mail contacts given, which give you a very nicely worded (auto responder) response, requesting you to be patient while promising that an appropriate web hosting executive is handling your query. Don't you want to talk to a real person at some point? Email messages could go on forever with no resolution in sight. Your time, in short supply, is valuable. Trick Number 3: Unlimited emails in POP3 and SMTP which hardly give any value to a small webmaster but can have a big impact on your decision making. Cheap web hosting companies cannot provide good email service. Yet, you need good email service so that you can stay in contact with your customers. (better service=more customers=more sales) Trick Number 4: Cheap web hosting companies often make promises of free downloads worth thousands of dollars. You can check this offer only after you subscribe to their service. You should be able to check out all aspects of an offer before making a commitment, thus saving you valuable time and money. Trick Number 5: The lure of freebies like all platform database support, preinstalled server side scripts, site builders, templates and SSL & ecommerce tools. In actuality, if these products are provided by cheap web hosting companies, they are very limited. Why limit your business from the start? You need a web hosting company that will give you the tools you need to be successful right out of the gate! Trick Number 6: Domain registrars and sister companies of cheap web hosting companies don't allow editing DNS zone files and MX records. Registrars talk about "name server management" when they actually mean the exact opposite resulting in forced hosting with them. You should be able to choose the services that you want for your business. After all, who knows your business better than you? Locking yourself in with a cheap web hosting company forces you to do business their way. Don't do it! Trick Number 7: Artificially populating user forums is another way of promoting their cheap web hosting business. Cheap web hosting companies do this so you will think they have tons of satisfied users. Really, you should rely on referrals to check out a web hosting company's services. This is the only real way to be sure you'll get the service you deserve. Trick Number 8: Display of an unknown or little known award and trying to impress you that they provide award winning service. Do awards mean anything anymore these days? Better to rely on actual comments from real customers. Trick Number 9: Offering free integration of shopping carts and payment gateways. Cheap web hosting companies do this because they know that for many online businesses having access to an online payment tool is a must. What you actually get is PayPal, which is well known, and is not their product at all. Why would you trust a web hosting company that would do this? Trick Number 10: Free Marketing support. Of course they do it but what they market vigorously is their site where your name might be mentioned. Cheap web hosting companies will not do more than this. In fact, they cannot. Are you paying for marketing your business? Or theirs? Being on the lookout for tricks such as these will keep you from falling into the trap of thinking that cheap web hosting is good. You can make a better choice for your business. You need a web hosting company that provides real, complete services that help improve your business. Do you want your business to be just a number? Remember the old adage, "you get what you pay for". Article Source:
Picking out the best web hosting company can be a tough decision. There are so many companies to choose from, and they all promise unlimited resources, knowledgeable support, and lots of space. But taking the time to understand how different hosting companies work will make it easy for you to pick one. We have created this helpful guide to help you chose the company that will fit all of your needs. Know Your Hosting Needs: Having a general idea about what your website is going to be like will help narrow your web hosting choices. Here are some questions to ask yourself: -What kind of website are you going to be creating? -Are you going to work on a WordPress blog? -How much web traffic are you expecting your site to have? -Will your website need special software? Taking time to answer these questions will give you a broad idea about what your web hosting needs will be. Price Tag: People usually want to get the highest quality for the lowest price. When it comes to web hosting companies there many price options to pick from. The most common one is the free web hosting company. While these free services are okay for small sites or people who are just starting out, keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Many free web hosts will have limited features, which can limit what you are able to do. For better web services you will have to pay a small fee. But you will have access to many other features that will allow you to create a great website. Security Options: Look at what type of security features that your list of web hosting companies has to offer. Generally, these services come with basic firewalls and a couple other security features. Having a strong security system will help protect your website from hackers. Storage Amount: Storage equates to how much space your website has for all of its content. This can include videos, images, databases, and any other things that you will be putting on your site. If you are planning on having a website that is not going to be content-heavy then you will probably need a tiny amount of space. But keep in mind that you should still give yourself some room to grow out your website. Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred from your server to those that are visiting your site. The amount of bandwidth that you will need is determined by how much traffic you anticipate on having. There are some web hosting companies that offer unlimited bandwidth, and there are some that put a limit bandwidth. But be aware that unlimited bandwidth is rarely unlimited. Many web hosting companies that offer this unlimited option will run much slower than other companies. Connection Speed: The time that it takes for your website to load can make or break your site. Having a website that loads within seconds will help increase your traffic. This is because people want things as quickly as possible, so if your site does not load quickly they will move on to a different site. Taking your time to understand what your website needs will be with help you pick the best service for your growing site. Having the right web hosting company will help you be able to grow your business. Article Source: