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Created a new website for your business and looking for a good web host to put it on the World Wide Web? Are you planning to switch from one company to another? Then, this article is for you. Here, we will discuss some common mistakes that people often make. Choosing the cheapest or free web host Cost shouldn't be the only criterion while choosing. Choosing the cheapest or free web host is the first mistake that many people tend to make. Here are some issues with free services: • Generally companies offer free only if they do not have genuine customers and to attract newbies. Such companies may go out of business any time and this will land you and your website in trouble. • Free hosting companies may put some third party advertisements on your website that may distract or annoy your visitors. • Some scripts may not work when you are under free or cheap hosting. This may affect the loading speed of your site; especially when your website contains animated or video content. • Some hosting companies that provide free services make you choose their templates - you cannot have a unique theme for your website. Remember, the theme is very important - it is like an identity of your business. • Sometimes, search engines may not give priority to the sites that are under cheap hosting. If search engines don't recognize your site, you can't benefit. All your efforts in creating the website will go in vain. Going for a new company Some new web hosting companies may offer services but many times they just do it to attract customers. Do not sign up with them unless you properly assess and confirm if those services are really useful for you. Also assess if the company is going to be long-term. Many new companies will not be able to maintain their service or up-time for long time. They just focus on acquiring customers and scaling their business, before they close down. It is always better to go for a company that has been hosting websites for over 10 years. Not reading "Terms of Services" properly Many people while opting for a web hosting service ignore reading the ToS and face problems after signing up. Hosting companies usually highlight only a few points that benefit their company and try to de-emphasize other points. Note this and go through every point in ToS carefully. Know about refund policy, cancellation procedure, agreement, etc. properly. If you have any doubts regarding the ToS, ask the hosting company to clarify. It is your responsibility to check the services they offer and conditions on them before accepting the agreement with the hosting company. These are the most common mistakes that many people tend to make while choosing a web hosting company. So, be aware of all these points and choose a good host with best services. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8643013

If you want to create a website, then you will need a web hosting company. Here are the basics on what a web hosting company is, the different types of web hosting available, and how to select the one that is right for you! What Is Web Hosting Company? A web hosting company is a business that provides 24 hour a day services associated with making a website available online. When someone tries to view your website, or any other website online, they are essentially connecting to a web server that is providing access to the page. Some companies provide free, basic services, while others only host through paid accounts. Each of those companies though will have different tools, options, and limits to their services and may offer very different pricing models as well. Hosting Options There are basically two different options to consider if you want a website hosted. The first is to host it yourself, but this requires that you have a web server, a constant connection to the internet, sufficient bandwidth availability, and the skills and know-how to run your own site. Since most people do not have the equipment or tools to host a website themselves, the secondary option is to find a web hosting company to do it for you! Selecting a Web Hosting Company Because the options for such companies are so abundant, begin by asking yourself these five questions: What is the purpose of my website? Do you want to create a personal site that is just going to be shared with family and friends or will it be a commercial or business site that will be designed to make a profit? The answer to this question will help you decide if you will need security for accepting payments and if the website is worth paying a higher hosting fee for. It will also help you determine whether the hosting company offers what you need, such as blogging options, shopping cart and checkout features, and video hosting. Do I need my website built for me? Most these companies, even the ones who offer free hosting packages, have some kind of website building software that is included. However, many are designed to only function with the hosting company that provides them. This means that if you switch to another web host, you will lose your site. Additionally, some site building programs are limited in what they can do, and may not offer everything you need for a full business site. Do I need email for my website? If you are running a business, you will likely want a hosting company that provides email options. These may include things like email addresses that are customizable, auto response emails, pop mailboxes, etc. Do I want analytics and tracking? Some hosting companies will offer more access to information about who is visiting your page than others. If you are running a business website, these tools can be of great value to help you target your customers. For personal websites, these may not be necessary at all. How much space do I need? Space is a huge factor your selection of this type of service provider. Space is determined by things like number of pages you need as well as media content (like photos, videos, or sound clips). An average website typically only uses 50MB, and rarely will a site need more than 5GB. If you are unsure of space, consider selecting a hosting company that allows you to change your hosting package if your needs change. Once you have answered the above questions, its time to go shopping, taking some time to carefully review what each web hosting company offers. Check reviews as well, to see what current and past customers have said about each service provider in terms of reliability, customer service, and packages. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8204723

When a business entity thinks of hosting its own web site, it considers the cost of this service among other things. It is natural to select a cheap web hosting company for its online business platform when lots of cheap and quality hosting solutions are available. Cheaper does not necessarily mean lower quality of services. With the use of the latest technology and updated applications, the services are becoming more secure, flexible, reliable and cost effective. The cheaper hosting prices enable the small and medium enterprises to avail these solutions to enter into the virtual market arena. The cheap web hosting companies are not exactly offering the services at below the breakeven cost but making their services affordable and competitive based on the requirements of their clients. These hosts guide their clients with suitable hosting options instead offering the services that are not necessary for their hosting needs. For example, a web owner not satisfied with the shared hosting services can be offered the cheaper virtual server hosting or cloud hosting solution rather than the costly dedicated hosting service. Here the web owner does not need to pay the entire cost of the dedicated server or a fixed monthly subscription when it requires only a part or slice of that server. The client can easily choose the pay as per the use subscription model of the virtual or cloud server to make the hosting more productive for its business. The cheap web hosting companies that offer the managed solutions to their clients further reduce the cost of the hosting service. The managed providers overall maintain and manage the server functioning all the time. They make necessary arrangements for automatic backing up of the server so that the webmaster does not need to manually maintain the backup files. This helps to a great extent when the hosting server needs to be restored or upgraded. Also these hosts relieve the web owner from the maintenance of the server on a daily basis and the setting up of an in-house IT infrastructure with trained technical manpower. These hosts employ the updated security measures to make your hosting server free from any type of hacking, virus attack or data leakage. The best website hosting companies are famous for their credible service offerings that have earned them such goodwill. Their vast experiences gathered over a long period of time have enabled them to offer the world class customer oriented solutions. Their long serving track records have benefited the online business fraternity in a great way. All the newly devised e-commerce and internet marketing campaigns are becoming successful due to the all round efforts of these service providers. These hosts are well equipped with all the latest infrastructures to serve the online business world in an efficient manner. The business owners can get details about the best website hosting companies by referring the various hosting review sites. The reviews necessarily inform the web owners about the previous track record, reputations and service offerings of these hosts. You will be able to share the experiences of the clients that used their solutions. Also you can to take the help of various online forums and discussion groups before making any final deal with your desired potential host. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7479562

Marketing, the sector that has undergone a sparingly radical transformation lately, has improved as no other sector in the business industry and has equally helped its co-sectors expand too. Many business houses that should have otherwise collapsed has survived and cherished because of adopting marketing approach. It helps companies getting introduced to the world in a better way. In fact, these days marketing is the most imperative part in the business industry. But it's not necessary that a product shall satisfy you as promised in the TV ads. Similarly, many web hosting companies claim to give services of the highest degree, but actually they don't. Nobody claims that their product or service is below the mark. Advertisements just give you an idea about what the product might be and the best way to understand the product is by experiencing it. Though it is not possible to taste every apple, you can use other methods to find the best hosting company. The web is a sparingly vulnerable region. Factually speaking, most of the thefts and illegal crimes are found being committed online today. Hackers, Crackers, Black Hats, etc., are designations assigned to people who are an expert in computer technologies and responsible for these prosecutable actions that can put your business in jeopardy. Security is thus the prime concern if you are opting for web related facilities. And, instead of going for web hosting companies who are just boasting to offer the ace-level security systems, look for the following excerpts by yourself and prove: Server Room How a server room is getting maintained by a host is a question you should first ask. A reputed host spends very lavishly when it comes to maintaining the server room. State-of-the-art technologies as fingerprint door locks and temperature controlling equipment gets installed on specific server rooms. To limit access even more, Biometrics or RFID card recognition systems get used whose authority is given to specific people only. CCTV surveillance cameras monitoring the server room 24x7 get installed by quality web hosting companies. If you find these arrangements on your service provider, move on to find the availability next point. Firewalls Defined as software that prevents unauthorized access to your system or network, firewalls are essential tools of security. Only those web hosting companies who employees skilled professionals working regularly to devise new ways and technologies to deploy threats are those who will be able to protect your data well. A multiple-layer security designed firewall is more preferred than static firewall systems. Multiple levels confuse hackers and they find it difficult to gain access to the main system. There are companies who boast of giving the best security systems that will prevent infiltrators gaining access even to the first tier security level. Those web hosting companies which offer multiple-layered security system are preferable. Private and Virtual Racks Selecting the type of racks depends on your business size. Private racks resemble rows of racks of server after server that is vulnerable. Ask your host if he can give extra protection through segregating or partitioned walls. Virtual Racks are Servers that come with hard-wired firewalls and back-up facilities and can keep up many sensitive data as bank account passwords and numbers. SSL certified Short for Secure Sockets Layer; SSL is a cryptographic protocol that encrypts your information during communication over the Internet. Make sure to go for only those web hosting companies that have this certification. Analog Security A 100% uptime guarantee is the call of the day. Gone are the days of analog technology when things were of snail-speed. Use of fiber optic cables has enabled connectivity to gain the speed of light. So even if a hurricane blows off electricity on your region, eminent web hosting companies must have substitute measures to keep up your greatest uptime at any cost. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7439384

The advent and the huge popularity of the World Wide Web have led almost all businessmen to use it for their benefit. With the help of the internet anyone can introduce their business beyond the boundaries of the nation and spread it to all corners of the globe. It helps in providing a global exposure to your business and use the whole world to conduct your business. Converting your physical business and putting it up on the internet has never been as easy as it is now. All you need to do is create a website for your business to let people know what you actually deal with. And with more and more upcoming services of web hosting, getting your website up and running is also not much of an issue. Choice of web hosting services: Proper choice of web hosting services is necessary for the better working and the successful running of your website. So before you actually go on to choose a particular company to assist you with web hosting services you need to look carefully at their plans. It is important that the company provides reliable services in order for your company to achieve a worthwhile entry into the online world. There are wide arrays of services that you can expect from the company you opt for your services. Since there are numerous companies in the market that provide these services, you need to undergo a bit of research yourself to get the proper quality of services for your website. Services mainly included with Web Hosting: • Domain Name: Whenever you wish to build a website for your business, the first thing that you need to consider is the name of your website. A suitable and catchy name that indicates the dealings of your website definitely makes a mark in the minds of your customers. This name is referred to as the domain name on the web. No two websites can have the same name on the internet. Hence it might not always be possible for you to obtain the name you want for your website due to the presence of some other website by the same name. Hence domain name checking provisions are also provided by the web hosting companies for your naming ease and comfort. Once the domain name for your website is decided, you need to buy it from a registrar who deals with domain names. Make sure that the registrar is approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or the ICANN. Your web hosting service provider can also help you in the process of buying the domain name. • Web space: The storage space for the contents and items included in your website is what is called the web space. A web hosting company also provides you with this storage space for putting together everything you have in your website. This helps you at times when a visitor comes to your website and some contents need to be summoned up in front of them. • Web Contents: There are some web hosting companies who also write the contents for your website. The contents present in your website deal mainly with the information about your business and also what it deals with. The contents and the way they are presented on your website have a very important role to play. They affect the popularity of your website and in turn the success of your business to a great extent. • SEO or Search Engine Optimization: This is a very important concept that deals with the way your website fares over the web. This service ensures that your website finds higher and better ranks in the results of the search engines. Achieving that your website becomes very popular and generates more traffic than the rest of your competitors. Some other Services: There are some additional services and facilities that are also provided by the web hosting companies along with these major services. These services include eCommerce, blog and email hosting, high speed bandwidth, Google ad sense, Link building and many others. The rates of these services also vary from one service provider to another. Hence you need to do an extensive research over the web on your part to find the right services at the best rates that suit your needs perfectly. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7229596

Before selecting a web hosting company there are a few things you will need to look into. To meet the demands and goals of their online business an effective website is necessary which has to be hosted well on the internet. For this considering specialized services of a good company offering competitive web hosting services is vital. When modifications of any kind have to be done on a website or a site has to be launched then to suit your needs a few variables need to be taken into consideration. Hosting services are required for websites, multimedia usage, blogs etc. Depending upon your usage and the kind of traffic flow intended, the bandwidth amount can be determined. Checking Out Variables Everything about the variables varies from one individual to the other. A lot of care should be taken by the company offering web and windows hosting services to owners of websites involved in marketing over the internet. Mode as well as quality of the providers is important to consider especially if income is generated on the website. The provider should have the ability to reach out of customers very easily. Whenever required people should be able to reach out and contact them easily. Such a company does not waste precious time of their clients nor put them on hold unnecessarily. A better idea would be to conduct a research first and go through the reviews to find out things like these and then only go ahead hiring a web hosting company. Urgent Issues Should Be Immediately Addressed There are concerned authorities at the web hosting company who can be contacted if in case you find any issue with the services provided. Make sure that the company provides round the clock services, so that urgent issues can be addressed immediately. Some of the companies may ask you for a service contract for a longer period, but it is better to avoid this. You may not have to continue working with the existing web hosting company, if in case the partnership fails to work. In the job of marketing over the internet, changes in the aims and requirements are very much possible. To understand more on the reputation of the company, conducting an online research makes greater sense. On the internet itself you can seek references and information on social networking sites, blogs and forums. Be Sure About Price Factor Finalize services of the web and windows hosting company only when you are sure about the price factor. Generally nominal fees are charged by companies offering web hosting services. Many of the companies offer various plans and accordingly provide options to their customers. If the plan suits usage, business needs and web traffic then only you should go ahead with the selection. 'File transfer protocol' is one of the specialized services provided by some of the best companies offering web hosting services. Hence, check out whether such a service is offered by the company you are considering. There will be no bondage of any kind to have access to your very own data when the company offers the file transfer protocol services. With this kind of a service, taking backup and making transfers becomes a hassle free process. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7145777

Nowadays, hundreds if not thousands of websites and web pages are created each day. This has resulted to the mushrooming of more and more web hosting companies that offer to provide space for websites whether it is the entrepreneurial or personal kind. With too many choices to choose from, you should be able to dissect and select from among the numerous hosting providers, the one that is right for you. Europe's Promise Even if the European market is perceived to be quite backward when it comes to internet technologies and internet applications, the fact remains that Europe is a highly desirable market to tap into. Even if percentages will tell you that Europe has less internet penetration than other continents, given the relatively big European population, the absolute numbers of people that correspond to the relatively small percentage of people who use the internet is still staggering. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that more and more businesses are setting their sights on Europe. If you wish to be part of this exodus to the European markets, then you will need to look for a European hosting company. Things to Look for in a European Web Hosting Company The first thing that you need to know about a potential hosting company is the presence or absence of a trial-period or a money back guarantee. This is so you will have something of a fallback in case things go wrong. Most web hosting providers have a one month money back guarantee. One month is ample time for you to decide, based on the performance of the hosting company, whether the company is giving you your money's worth. This trial period and money back guarantee ensures that you will incur no unnecessary expenses in your European market expansion. The second thing that you need to know is the kind of technical support that the web hosting company gives to clients like you. It is a given in Internet technology that problems will crop up that could disrupt your website from running smoothly. Know the customer support they give, the hours their phone lines are open to take in your call, and the number of days their technical support team is available. Check, too, if the customer service team speaks fluent English; you wouldn't want to spend a lot of your support call time trying to bridge the language barrier instead of getting your concerns addressed. It is also important to note that some European hosting companies charge cheaply for their web hosting services but charge exorbitant amounts for technical support calls. It is therefore important to check how much getting support for your website will cost if you sign up with a European hosting provider. Another thing that you should definitely check is the type of web hosting provider your company is; that is, whether you are dealing with a web hosting reseller or a core web hosting provider. This is important in case you have issues with the hosting company's servers. Resellers, since they are just middlemen, can usually provide only very limited technical support.

For people doing online business, a hosting company is the very important. However many people do not understand the huge difference between professional hosting company and other low cost hosts. As an internet entrepreneur you need to know the wide disparity between the two. The first thing that your business needs for profitability is to remain up all the time (downtime should be negligible). In addition to that your web host has to be very reliable providing you enough bandwidth and should be able to provide you more resources like bandwidth and web space as your business expands. Your web host should provide you the email system that is very customer friendly as well as non-restrictive. Cheap or free hosting do not provide these features in their services. To run your online business professionally you need to have professional hosting. Nothing in this world comes for free and especially quality has a price. If you are not serious about your online business then any hosting company can be hired. However if you are serious about your business then think twice before hiring any hosting company for you. There are many websites hosted by cheap hosts which have such an unprofessional looks all because of limited features that a hosting company can offer. Are you interested in placing your business website in that category? If your answer is no, then you will have to explore various options for your requirement. The main reason for people opting for free or cheap web hosting service is the cost. Either you have to pay no or very less price for availing services of such hosts. But you have to think beyond the price of web hosting package. In no time your website will become irrelevant as these hosts make you share IP address even with spammers. Think of a situation where search engine bans the entire IP. In that case you will realize after quite some time why traffic to your website has stopped. By that time you would have incurred huge losses in your business. You would never want this to happen to your business. So why to think of cheap or free hosting services? Also the cheap or free web hosting company will give you domain name that starts with web host's name. This definitely makes your business look very unprofessional. You would surely want your own domain name. That is possible when you hire professional web hosting company for your website hosting. The server speed of professional web host is high. Also these hosts provides you various packages with lots of options that you may select as per your requirement. The professional host will grow with your business and will keep on updating their web server for newer and better applications in days to come. This forms a long term relationship between you and web host. Your professional host will keep you motivated. These qualities are not in cheap or free hosting companies. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6731727

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