At present, there are loads of erroneous thoughts in choosing the accurate Top web hosting company. Preferring the precise one is exceptionally momentous course of action that wishes training and a meticulous familiarity with regards to the definition of top web hosting. Choose top web hosting companies because this pace is mostly one of the very important ingredient of bringing in selling online. You can perform effectively sing a speedy host; simple to make use of and grasp; tenders outstanding protection; and is adequately stern about its act to guarantee in order for your website to never be at the rear with the exception of if the entire data storage being totally down. Underneath is the list of the universal issue to bear in mind if you are incisive in looking a top web host. The significance of a web host Web hosting is the method of introducing your website to the preferred hosting company. This is oftentimes labeled as a webhosting service. Because of this service most of your guests on the internet can spot your site. If you have a steady Internet connection you possibly will position a stable hosting service for your computer. On the other hand, this is not an appropriate course of action to get done all the time. You ought to create a site with hosting service that is reliable and speedy enough to surf the internet. Having a host with all the features that guarantee its being sufficiently speedy must be your main concern if you wish for the most excellent top web hosting companies' service. The domain hosting should also be a characteristic that you should prefer. Making Use Of A Domain Host The starting point is for you to take advantage of a domain name is based on the reality that it is of the essence in creating a site that gives the impression of being proficient. You should call for this so that you can follow your dreams in online business. Who desires to build a site that will not be viewed by other people? This is actually a very weird idea that no one might think of. You might wonder how to get hold of it? Primarily you must choose from among the best web host providers. Once you have discovered the best one for your website that is the occasion for you to register your domain. This is for the reason that oftentimes the price tag for the registration of domain name is included in the web host. So, you're craving to build a fantastic site for your business and you have decided to change the host for your website. You may not even be alert of the disadvantages of your host at the moment but the truth is there are many hosts that are not soaring high in the business anymore. Adversity In Host- Searching Your early complexity is shrinking the figure of options to a little amount of the best hosting providers. In what manner can you accomplish this? Inquire from your acquaintances that are already familiar with the services of a specific company. You may also link with other groups that discuss about the services of hosting companies. You can also take time to surf and see the blogs about the hosts. Article Source:
There are many wrong ideas in selecting the correct Top web hosting companies. Picking the right one is a very significant procedure that needs preparation and a thorough knowledge on what top web hosting is all about. Pick top web hosting companies since this step is mainly one of the vital ingredients of introducing marketing online. You could do with one that is speedy; uncomplicated to utilize and comprehend; offers exceptional maintenance; and is sufficiently strict about its action to warrant that your site will by no means be behind except if the whole datacenter were absolutely knocked down. Beneath is a listing of the general issues to take note of when you are searching for top hosting companies. The importance of a web host Web hosting is the procedure of placing your site on the host of your choice. You call this site a web host or web server. Through this host all the visitors on the internet can see your site. If you have a stable Internet connection you could place your site on a host in your PC. However, this is not an applicable thing to do most of the times. You should have a site that has a dedicated server with a speedy connection to the web. Bandwidth that is fast enough should be your priority if you want to have the best out of the best services. The hosting of domain should also be a feature of the host you have chosen. Using A Domain Host The reason that requires you to utilize a domain name is founded on the fact that it is imperative in putting up a site that looks like a professional. You need this in order to pursue your career in the internet world. Who wants to put up a site but don't want people to find it? This is an absurd idea to start with. So how do you obtain it? First you need to pick the host among the top web hosting companies. After finding the right one for your site that is the time that you can have your domain registered. This is because most of the times the cost of the registration you're your domain is already contained in the fee. So, you're yearning to set up a website and you are decided to relocate your website to another host. You may not even be conscious of your present hosts' weaknesses in a business where each week there is news about a host falling downhill. Hardships In Looking For A Host Your initial difficulty is lessening the number of alternatives to a small number of choices of companies. How do you do this? Ask your associates who already had a first hand experience with these companies. You may also join discussions that talk about the benefits of using a certain web host. You may also read the comments on the websites regarding a specific hosting company. Article Source:
Choosing your best hosting company can be very hard for someone who has limited knowledge about Web servers, I don't know about you but I'll assume that you're a newbie in terms of web hosting facilities and options so I won't discuss technical details but I'll mention 5 technical tips and explain it in simple words so you can be aware before you decide to go with any web hosting company. 1) Data Transfer (Traffic/Bandwidth) Be careful about the bandwidth which is the amount of data bytes transferred from your website to your visitors, it is calculated based on the images and text contents that moves from your web hosting to your visitors when they visit a certain webpage on your website, don't believe in free or unlimited bandwidth because extra bandwidth costs the web hosting company and they have to pay for it so always go for web hosting that has a bandwidth of 3 GB and up. 2) Disk space Web hosting companies offer these days 500 MB -1GB and up and they know you won't use all this disk space so they are generous, trust me you need only 10-20 MB so don't ever consider any web hosting because of the disk space, it's the last thing to consider when comparing. 3) Reliability (% of downtime) Downtime is the amount of time per year when you web hosting server goes down so your visitors will not be able to see your website and you will lose them so reliability should be 99% and I want to say even more than that 99.5%, don't go below 99%. 4) Technical support Technical support includes chatting with a person from the web hosting company for quick question and/or sending web tickets for technical/sales issues, my web hosting replies to my tickets within an hour which is really good. 5) FTP, PHP, PERL,.htaccess, MySQL, cronTabs FTP is a facility to upload your files to your hosting, PHP and PERL are scripting language many web applications are written using them for example WordPress is written in PHP and MySQL as the database end, don't ever think about sacrificing PHP and MySQL cronTabs is a feature of making your web hosting running some tasks based on a schedule you specify and the best example is installing a free autoresponder, just to let you know I didn't know about the cronTabs when I bought my web hosting and they disable the cronTabs to improve their web server performance. 6) SSL (Secure Server and shopping cart) Some hosting companies offer shopping cart and of course any shopping cart use SSL for securing your credit card transactions, so you should consider this option if you're planning to run an online store. 7) Email, Autoresponders, POP3, Mail Forwarding Your web hosting should let you create emails on your domain name so it will be in the format of "", always be careful of the emails disk space as sometimes they offer very low email space that you have to always delete emails to avoid bouncing back any emails coming to you because of exceeding over quota 8) Control Panel Some web hosting call it cPanel and some call it different names, whatever what you should consider is your ability to finish all the above mentioned tasks from your cPanel without referring back to your hosting company. Think about it, what if every time you want to create an email and you send a support ticket to them to be created after 24-48 hours, what a frustration. 9) Adding multiple domains and sub domains Some web hosting offer one free domain when you buy their web hosting, don't be fooled by this, yes it's good to have it but always consider the ability to have many domains on your hosting, I don't want to say unlimited but you should have 5-6 domains and I think that's enough. But the sub domains which are the ability to create different folders on your domain like "" so bottom line, sub domains should be unlimited or enough to let you play around. 10) Windows or Unix server All PHP, MySQL and PERL should run on UNIX/LINUX servers but not ASP which is a windows scripting language on the other side most of the Windows servers are capable of running PHP, PERL and MySQL so you'll be surprised when I advise you it's better to host on UNIX/LINUX servers that Windows for many reasons regarding reliability and performance. Actually they are many reasons; I don't want to go through all of them as it's off point in my article. Article Source:
When you get a web site, you need the help of a web hosting company to put it online for you. They store the information and the webpages on their own servers for a subscription fee, and the growth of the Internet has seen a number of different kinds of web hosting crop up all over the place, giving you a plethora of options from which to choose. How do you know which one is best for you? You have to consider a few factors as you search for the ideal company. With a reputable web hosting company, you will have a stable web presence with little to no downtime, and you can count on a number of features to work with and plenty of web space and bandwidth. If you are dealing with a terrible company, they just want to sell off whatever web space they have available to whatever sucker they can rope in, without caring about maintenance or feature. This can result in downtimes that are far too frequent for you to tolerate. No matter what you choose for a web host, you have to get the best security that you can muster. Hackers, after all, are a real problem, and therefore backup servers and root menu access are necessities when looking for the best web hosting company around. When it comes to technical assistance, your web hosting company has to provide consistent, quality service whenever you need it. The server is maintained by their technical staff, and they will help prevent problems from occurring. You want to shoot for round-the-clock security for your website, and live chat functions help you get immediate access to the assistance you need. If you are looking at a web hosting company that doesn't have their staff available on weekends, you might not want to work with them. Your search for a web hosting company has to include the right amount of communication and honesty. You really want to invest in a company that will be frank with you and let you know about problems in the system, and will also tell you when updates are going to take place. A quality company really cares about their clients, and they will do whatever they can to make their experience with that company as smooth and effective as possible. Web hosting review sites are a fantastic way to get the right web hosting company, as these are communities where people can discuss various companies and their practices, letting people know when bad ones crop up, or celebrating the companies that do a good job. Just look into these sites for a little while, and you can find out the companies that exist on the marketplace and which ones you should invest in. When you are picking the right web hosting company, you are doing more than just trying to go with the most affordable one. Many times, that will land you in more trouble than you bargained for. You do have to go for a nice balance between affordable pricing and quality service, or else there is no point in even attempting to host a website. Article Source:
With tens of hundreds of web hosting providers all over the US, it is a daunting task to find one good and cheap web hosting company. You would be very lucky if you find a good hosting company at a cheap price. It is always wise to find a good hosting company first; and later on to look for cheap hosts among them. The question is: how to find a good hosting company which is also cheap? Well, here are some of the points which you should consider to find a good and affordable host. Customer Service It is very tempting when you see that you have to pay less than $10 for a month but whether the hosting service provider is providing you excellent customer service or not. The best idea is to find a host that provides customer support through chat, phone and email. Normally, if you opt for a host that provides email support only, you have to wait for days to get a reply to your query. Moreover, if you want to settle your queries on phone, online support may not be the best option for you. So, know your customer service requirements first and then choose the host. Disk Space and Bandwidth As a professional in your field, you know how much space and bandwidth your website requires. It is always advisable to opt for a package where you get more space and bandwidth than your current needs. Many hosting providers offer unlimited space and bandwidth but they can be tradeoffs. You should be sure if you really need the unlimited space and bandwidth and whether it costs you a fortune to pay extra on the hosting. Uptime You would have seen every web hosting company with the slogan of 99.999% uptime. Well, if we still believe it, this means 8 hours downtime in a year. A reliable service may cost you a little extra but that would in turn be your best bet as you would not like to see your site and business down for a single minute. Programming Languages Normally, Windows web hosting is expensive than Linux web hosting and you would see most websites are made using ASP and MYSQL. Linux hosting is always cheaper and it is more reliable too. So, if you really want to go for cheaper hosting, make sure your website is developed for Linux server. Domain Names and Additional Hosting Services You would see many hosting companies that offer domain names and other services like web analytic tools and content management. You may not need any of these services, so you do not have to pay for such services. If these services are an extra bonus, then it is good for you, otherwise, do not make them the base to choose the hosting company. Cheap Hosting Now, keeping in view all these factors you would be in a position to find the best web hosting company at the cheapest price. While finding a cheap web hosting company is not a big deal, it is always hard to find a good web hosting company that promises all the above mentioned features with reliability and consistency. Article Source:
It is not that somebody shouts - 'we are the best web hosting company' and you as a new customer with a desire to get best hosting service, pick one out among the hundreds available! Who dares to open up his limitations? Whether you are searching with the help of a web directory or through the regular search in a search engine, you are to be essentially cautious and have to have some knowledge about the characteristics of the best web hosting company. Simply speaking, it is all about the best features of hosting that must be available with the web hosting company, if it has to be said the best web hosting company. It is found that companies promise to offer best service but cannot stick to its promise. Let us see how a company can prove as the best. We can flow our discussion into two courses. One through the technical aspects and the other is general aspects. First see what the technical matters are: Capability of providing required web space and bandwidth. Many companies promise to provide unlimited hosting space but they lack the infrastructure to maintain space and growing traffic. Are you going to get full access of your rented services (Cpanel, FTP etc)? Actually the best company will provide you the access to hosting matters while others go by loophole of the terms. Is your hosting service compatible to latest development needs? If you do not choose best service provider, hosting cannot be compatible to support video streaming, audio streaming, mailing list, live chat, wiki site and others. The best web hosting company is certain to provide you the maximum security of your account. You have to get SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and SSH (Secure Shell) and other security certificates which generally is not available with any service provider. Above points take care of technical essential matters for web hosting services. Now we may have a look on another important side of the best web hosting company - the professionalism to handle its clients proving its potentiality every time: How much strong is its clientele? A company cannot just claim the best with few satisfied clients. It has to serve many with same professional attitude. How much reliable is the company? The company has to prove its cent percent reliability through its clients. You have to find how the testimonials of the clients are! The support of the best is always the best. During handling hosting services you generally need to get the service provider's support. The best web hosting company is always with its clients 24x7. The best web hosting company always tries to spread its service to all. Are companies that are providing true and best service is at an affordable cost? So I think you have understood what takes it to be the best! As a customer you are in search of a true hosting service provider which can stand by to all your needs. You need the best hosting company. It is you who will decide or vote the popular and the greatest. I can tell you only to search through a web directory or search engine very carefully the premium for you. Article Source:
Websites have become a need for many entrepreneurs. Small and large enterprises, alike, make sure that they have a website to represent their business. But having a website is not a child's play! You need to take care of many things. Choosing a web hosting company is the easiest option available to you. You need not worry about anything that way. The company will see to all your hosting needs. However, this easy way out may prove disastrous, if you do not choose an appropriate web hosting company. There are many things to consider before finalizing a web hosting company. The service provider should have the technical expertise and resources to host a website. It should not be a novice to this field. The services should be affordable. Less downtime, technical support, and back-up services are mandatory traits. Apart from all this, clients also need to find out which operating systems the web hosting company hosts its website. There are four operating systems to host a website. They cannot be compared to each other. Each one is good in its own way. The four operating systems can be given as below: *Windows: Microsoft Windows is a popular operating system amongst website hosting companies. It is a good choice for both - shared servers and dedicated server. It can easily integrate Microsoft products. Support can be easily procured for this OS. However, running a Windows operating system may prove expensive. You should select windows web hosting company, only if you are acquainted with maintaining Window systems. *Linux: Linux has many advantages over Windows. It is cheaper than Windows. It is platform independent. Anybody can use access the website, no matter which operating system they are using. However, new users may not find it easy to use. Besides, Linux come from different companies. There is no standard edition of Linux like Windows. You can go for it if you are planning to host your site on a shared server. Using it on a dedicated server is not advisable. *Unix: Unix is similar to Linux. There are many advantages associated with a Unix web hosting company. As compared to Windows; Unix enjoys high up-time, better server load handling capacity, and reliability. However, availability of Unix software is less in the market. It is not used as much as Windows or Linux, because it is more expensive than Linux. The hardware for Unix is more specific. It is recommended for virtual web server. *Macintosh: Macintosh operating systems are rarely found. You may find it very difficult to find a web hosting company to host it on Macintosh. However, it is the most secured OS. Hackers may not be able to hack the server easily. It is the most expensive OS in the four operating systems. These are the four operating systems on which a web hosting company can host your website. One cannot debate on which OS is better! It largely depends on the programming language you used to create your website and the applications you run on your web server. Web hosting companies usually host the website on Windows or Linux. You need to consider all the aspects before finalizing on which operating system to use. Article Source:
The internet has opened up the world of Web Hosting to companies from all around the world. There are companies that offer domain registration and web hosting in the United States from nearly every country. Some people have concerns about working with a web hosting company that is in another country and there may be some valid reasons to be concerned. If you keep yourself informed and make wise decisions about who you sign a service contract with for your web hosting needs you can make a smart investment that will work well with your company. There are several main concerns for United States online business owners that are considering using a web hosting service that is outside of the United States. One of the main concerns is the currency transfers. Be careful that the company that you are agreeing to do business with provides their charges in US dollars. If you are being charged in foreign currency you could find that you are paying much more than you expected because of the fluctuation in the value of the dollar. You will have no real way to budget for a specific amount of money going towards your web hosting services. The time zones that the web hosting company is located in should be another concern. You need to find a company that will have representatives available during your business hours. If they are in another country you could run into problems if you are open for business when it is in the middle of the night in their location. If you can find a service for your domain registration needs and your web hosting needs that has a twenty four hour hotline for assistance then you are much more likely to get the excellent service that you need. You should also be on the lookout for web-hosting companies that do not have a toll free number to contact them at. When you have to pay for international phone calls to get some help you are increasing your business costs to an amount that may shock you. It can also be very confusing to make an international phone call if you are not familiar with using country codes. Some issues that arise with web hosting services or domain registration can take a substantial amount of time on the phone to get resolved. The phone bill for that international call can really put you into shock when it arrives at your business. You should do some research about the area that the web-hosting company is located. You will be depending on them to provide you service so that your web based business can be successful. If they are in an area of the world that has known problems with connectivity or that has very spotty phone or electrical services, you may find that you are paying for a service that is not beneficial to you because it is nonfunctional more often than it is functioning. This can be bad for your business and could create a very negative opinion of your site from your customers. All of this can be avoided if you do your research prior to entering into an agreement with the web hosting company that is in these areas of the world. As you do your research about the parts of the world that the web-hosting and domain registration services are being operated from, you are sure to find that there are several areas across the world that have very reliable services available and that can provide better services than what you can find right here in the United States. As long as you do your research before you choose who your web hosting provider will be you should find that you can operate your website successfully and can get the help that you need in a reasonable amount of time. Many international web hosting companies have overcome the challenges that come with doing business on an international basis and are able to give you the assistance that you need. So to answer the question, does location really matter when it comes to selecting your web hosting service, the answer is yes. Yes it is important but if you do your homework you are sure to team up with a web-hosting service that will meet all of your needs. Article Source:
Everyone knows that the internet contains so many lists of top 10 hosting companies. But are they really reliable? Every website administrator knows that setting up a website can be very time consuming and headache inducing. There are so many details that you have to take care of. You have to design the website, you have to program it so that it is dynamic, you have to research your target audience and so many other things. On top of all this, you have to find the best web host for your website as well, which is where these top 10 lists come in handy. Finding a good web host for your website is tough not because there are too few choices but because there are too many. If you have ever tried a search online for web hosting companies, you know just how many web hosting solutions there are online. Filtering out the best ones from these multitudes of thousands can be confusing and time consuming. Good resources that you can use are the articles and reviews that feature the top 10 hosting companies online. By reading articles and reviews like these, you can begin narrowing down your options. These reviews often include such helpful details as the resources these top 10 web hosting companies offer their clients, how good they are at keeping their client's websites online, how good their technical support is and if they respond quickly and are good at assisting their clients especially in difficult technical tasks. Ultimately though, you should not rely too much on these list of top 10 hosting companies. Remember that these reviews and articles are written by paid writers working for a certain company. While there are a lot of unbiased writers out there, there are also some who have certain biases which you should take into account when reading up their reviews. You should therefore augment these listings of hosting companies with some research of your own. Try to find people who have actually used their services and ask them if they are satisfied or if they have complaints with these companies. Visit online forums and see what the public has to say about certain companies and go into chat rooms and ask for more information web hosting companies that you are interested in. Try to widen your research as much as possible and aim to get unbiased opinion. Article Source:
Whether you are looking for your first web hosting company or have some experience, it is intimidating to find the right one. Nowadays, it is so easy for anyone to start their own web hosting service that literally hundreds of well-known services exist, and choosing just one that you will be happy with seems nearly impossible without trying them all out. 1. Features The first thing you should look at while evaluating different companies is what features each of them offer. If you are looking for hosting for multiple websites, for instance, you need to find a hosting plan that allows you to host unlimited domain names (or as many as you need). If you have a lot of traffic, make sure you have enough server space and bandwidth to handle it without ridiculous overage charges. On the other hand, if you don't need that many fancy features and you don't think many people will be visiting your website, a basic package will save you money and it will be simpler. Take some time to compare the features of various programs and figure out what you need and don't need. 2. Pricing This is the next thing you need to look at, depending on your budget. Most people don't have unlimited money to spend on web hosting, so you need to try and find the web hosting companies that offer the greatest number of features you want and need, at the price you can afford. Of course, eventually you may have to compromise on one or the other in order to get the best balance. If you have money to spare, you may want to compromise on price, but if you don't really need the web hosting for part of your business, for instance, you might compromise on features until a later time. Many web hosts offer lower prices if you "lock in"; that is, if you purchase a year's hosting at once, it is probably cheaper than purchasing hosting month-by-month. If you are sure you like the web host, this might be a good option to help save you money. 3. Support/guarantees You want to look for web hosting companies that offer some kind of satisfaction guarantee, refund period, or at the very least, great customer service. If you end up having technical problems and your website crashes, you don't want to be waiting for days for a response from a semi-literate, bureaucratic help desk employee. Live customer service is the best, but at the very least, look for a company with a reputation of fast customer service. 4. Reviews If you don't have experience with web hosting companies, look for reviews of them before committing to anything. Many review sites will help break down web hosts into easy-to-determine quality rankings, with lists of features and prices to help you make your decision. Choosing the right web hosting company is not a chore or a hassle if you keep in mind what you are looking for, what you are willing to spend, what you need in a web host, and look for reviews of web hosting companies to help you. Article Source:
If you are into e-trading market then, the main concern goes for your website. The website will be the way for your business to interact actively with the niche market. Therefore you need to be very particular while you are planning to launch the website for your business. When launching comes into the picture, then automatically the tension of website hosting services Provider Company comes into the picture. A web hosting services provider firm provides the accessibility to access the website in the World Wide Web. Purpose of Web Host: Web hosts are the companies that offer space on the servers that they own and offer its clients to use those. It provides the internet connectivity to the data centers that they own and also to the data centers and the connectivity that they do not own. Since web hosting gives you an opportunity to grab a space in the huge World Wide Web therefore in order to launch the website, you need to be a bit more careful! Thus, web hosts play a major role to increase the visibility of your website in the online world. The visibility then gets turned into popularity. Due to the popularity, the websites gets the quality visitor from the web market, which ultimately helps in enhancing the business. However, there are certain issues that need to be resolved before relying blindly on any web hosts. Factors like the monetary constraint, the up-time etc. is needed to be analyzed before contracting any of the web hosts. Revising Factors to Select a Web Host: While choosing the web hosting company India, you need to revise few factors that will ultimately help you in upraising your company's online reputation. The measuring factors are: * Cost Factor: It gets the highest priority because people prefer to choose the website hosting services Provider Company based on the above factor. A common mentality is to opt for the company that offers cheaper website hosting services without even thinking about the quality. But just imagine if some company will serve you with the best server speed then, why will it charge less? So, rather than compromising your requirements just because of money, if you are really concerned for your business then, try to acquire the best web hosting company in India. * Performance of the Company: Now, when you are dealing with World Wide Web you need to be very fast. While you are online, you will be required with the quickest response. Just think once, will you enjoy if during your productive hours you get the busy error message from the server? In order to avoid the situation, hire a web hosting company in India that prefers top of the line machines and also supports a supplement device that can assist in case of any major failures. * Customer Support: Check the web hosting company's service timings. It can be easily checked by sending your query to the customer support service team and then waiting for their reply to come. Note the time duration of their reply so that you can better rely on the company. Check the web hosting company in India based on the above stated three constraints and then decide where to move on. Your website will act as an essence to your business then! Article Source:
For people who are planning to start their own websites, usually price is the only thing that is considered. But with so many cheap web hosting companies available, it is difficult to choose the one which is best suited to the purpose. So even if a price range has been chosen, there may be more than a dozen vying for attention. So how should someone choose a cheap web hosting company? The first and foremost thing to look for in a cheap website hosting company is one which does not charge a set up fee. Creating a new hosting service requires very little or no effort and with so many web hosting companies to choose from, paying a set up fee is unnecessary. Once upon a time, it was almost impossible to find a cheap website hosting company offering unlimited space and bandwidth, but that's not the case anymore. There are many providers out there which not only do that, but also provide free upgrades. Though expensive web hosting companies offer a money-back policy if the client is not satisfied, finding a similar service in a cheap web hosting company is a difficult. But looking for a company that has a money-back policy will prevent the situation of being locked in a year or a multi-year long contract and being unsatisfied. At least 30 days should be allowed for evaluation of services. While choosing a cheap website hosting company, it is important to go for one which provides strong customer support in a form that is useful to you. For instance, phone support is definitely the best though some companies provide 24*7 online chat support. It is better not to opt for an only - email support hosting service because if the domain server is down, email will not work. Cheap web hosting companies often have an online FAQ and knowledge base without any real person - to - person support. It is best to avoid those. Another important point that has to be kept in mind are the actual features one is looking for from a hosting service. If a website owner needs database with PHP and the host does not have that particular service in a price range that suits him, its better to look for an alternative service. One of the best ways of getting a cheap web hosting deal is by opting for one which provides a package over a year or several years. For instance, if the hosting service costs $15 for a month if paid monthly, it may cost only $4 a month if it is paid on a yearly or multi-yearly basis! Before registering on a cheap website hosting company, reading out the terms and conditions fully is of utmost importance because many of them are known to charge cancellation fees. Keeping all these things in mind, it will not be difficult to find a good cheap web hosting company that will not burn a hole in your pocket. Article Source: